Experienced Leadership for
Needham's Schools
in Uncertain Times

Fair Contracts for Student Success
We need strong contracts to recruit and retain our most valuable
asset - teachers and staff.
I am an experienced member of the team currently negotiating Needham’s new teacher contract. We must settle agreements with teachers, administrators and staff over the next 15 months and I will ensure these are fair, affordable, and support our employees.
Excellence in Education for All
We must invest in curriculum and resources so all students succeed.
Curriculum and instruction must meet the needs of all students. We need to invest in a new elementary literacy curriculum, as well as resources to support student mental health and social emotional learning.
Building Projects
We need to mobilize support for
the Pollard rebuilding project.
A townwide vote for the Pollard Middle School construction project is tentatively planned for fall 2026. We must build community engagement now to ensure this moves forward and captures state reimbursement of approximately 20% of total project costs.

School Committee
Needham School Committee - 10 years
Committee Chair or Vice Chair - 4 years
Led School Committee during first year of COVID-19 pandemic
Led Superintendent’s annual evaluation and contract negotiations
Planned and facilitated public biweekly School Committee meetings
Coordinated committee member assignments to ensure development and cross-training
Official School Committee representative with Town Boards, Committees, staff and community groups
Liaison & Committee Roles
Finance Committee
Facility Financing Working Group
Future School Needs
Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
Community Preservation Committee
Portrait of a Needham Graduate Committee
School Transportation Study Committee
Subcommittee to Study the Minuteman School
Sustainable Needham Advisory Group
Town Meeting Member, Precinct C - 11 years
What I'm most proud of ...
Co-chaired successful operating budget override campaign to add instructional time, expand elementary programming (Spanish, STEAM and physical education) and increase teacher
collaboration time district wide. -
Expanded Understanding our Different Abilities, a parent-led disability awareness education program, to grades K-5 at Newman Elementary and collaborated with parent leaders across all 5 elementary schools to add and enhance programming.
Recipient of the regional Ellen Aldous Award for Outstanding Service to Needham Scouting groups.
Additional Volunteer Roles
Citizens for Needham Schools, Co-Chair and Board Member
Newman Elementary School Parent Teacher Council
Needham Early Childhood Center (Preschool) Parent Teacher Council, Chair/Co-Chair
Pack 4 and Troop 10 Needham Scouting groups
Families First, Gatherings Committee Member
More about me
Like many, our family moved to Needham for the schools. Shortly after enrolling our older son at the Town’s preschool so he could receive special education services, I became active in the preschool PTC and so began years of community engagement on behalf of children.
Professionally, I’ve worked in finance and accounting for my entire career. My passion is helping small businesses and entrepreneurs understand their financial statements and the operating changes they should make that come from that knowledge. I have an MBA in Finance from the MIT Sloan School of Management and an undergraduate degree in Economics and American Studies from Wellesley College.
Fun Facts
I grew up working in my family’s restaurants in Buffalo, NY.
I bake over 1,000 cookies for the winter holidays.
I like jigsaw puzzles.
Let’s Work Together for Needham Students